Migration to v0.4.0

Since version 0.4.0 UdonToolkit requires UdonSharp 0.18 and above!

Migration Guide

  • Grab the latest U# release here and import that first!

  • Create a new empty scene and open it

  • Click File -> Save Project

  • Remove the UdonToolkit folder completely while you are in that test scene

  • Import the new UdonToolkit and wait for everything to compile

  • Open Edit -> Project Settings -> UdonSharp and in the Default Behaviour Editor select UdonToolkit Editor

  • Open your scene again and everything should work as expected

If you are using the CameraSystem - it is recommended to check that the Start Sphere and all the Sphere objects inside VR Controls have Area Trigger program assets assigned, unity seems to occasionally lose references to that particular asset

You will notice a Legacy folder inside UdonToolkit now which hosts all the old controllers and the legacy editor

Controller Migration Guide

You can take a look at all the U# behaviours in the Misc folder to see how you can use UdonToolkit now

Starting with v0.4.0 you don't need controllers anymore, and you can use all the UdonToolkit's attributes directly in the U# code!

There are some small differences mainly centered around Udon's limited support for things like Enums and cases where you want to perform some complex editor logic.

All variables that you want to use UdonToolkit attributes with must have a [UTEditor] attribute on them that is last in the group

// This will work
[SectionHeader("General")] [UTEditor]
public bool active = true;

// This won't work
[SectionHeader("Some other group")]
public float test = 0.01f;

This is due to some limitations of unity PropertyDrawers that do not allow proper modifier stacking

Popup attribute now has new udon-friendly versions that use string names instead of Enums

// Using an Animator source type to auto fetch Triggers from the `animator` variable
[Horizontal("AnimationTrigger")] [Popup("animator, "@animator", true)] [UdonPublic]
public string somePopupVar;

More examples in the Popup attribute documentation

If you want to execute editor only code in case of OnValueChanged, etc. you need to use directives

It is pretty rare that you'll have to use #if, but sometimes its unavoidable, especially when you want to use things like OnValueChanged attribute.

Basically the logic behind this is as follows: you should use #if !COMPILER_UDONSHARP && UNITY_EDITOR if:

  • You want to work with methods and types not exposed to udon

  • You want to execute some logic in editor outside of playmode

In other cases - you should never need #if around your attribute related code

[OnValueChanged("ToggleLights")] [UTEditor]
public bool lightsActive;

public void ToggleLights(SerializedProperty value) {
  // get the value of expected type first
  var val = value?.boolValue;
  if (value) {
    // do something here
  } else {
    // do something here

As usual, check behaviours in the Misc folder as a reference to how things should be built. UniversalAction is a good overall example.

Last updated